I happen to see a post by the City of Calgary on Facebook and immediately thought this was one we would have to make it to see. Here's the article since it explains it better than I would.
We went to a local park area and there was a summer camp that was taking their snack break outside in order to look at the street sweeper. Ethan was taking in the situation and hanging back while the older kids were there but as soon as they went back to their camp, he got his turn. He even got a ride around the parking lot in the street sweeper since he was the only person around for awhile. The things he talked about the most was how there were two steering wheels and when one turned the other one turned and the button that made the engine louder. I was right that he loved it although he didn't seem to really care that it was dressed up as Samson the bull.

Since 2001 the Roads Maintenance Critters have been
cleaning up along the Calgary Stampede Parade route.
Now, after 13 years of service, Dixie, Samson, Rocky and Alfalfa are
hanging up their cowboy hats and heading for greener pastures.
The Critters were created by a local puppeteer back in 2001 and have
been placed on a street sweeper every year during the Calgary Stampede
Parade to clean up after horses and humans along the parade route.
The 2014 Calgary Stampede Parade on Friday, July 4 will be the Critters’
last. Next year you’ll see four new faces in the Stampede Parade but
before we send off Dixon, Samson, Rocky and Alfalfa you’ll be able to
see them and say good bye at a variety of City of Calgary Parks over the
next couple of weeks. - See more at:
Critters! Calgary Stampede Parade street sweepers prepare for
retirement - See more at:
Critters! Calgary Stampede Parade street sweepers prepare for
retirement - See more at:
Critters! Calgary Stampede Parade street sweepers prepare for
retirement - See more at:
Critters! Calgary Stampede Parade street sweepers prepare for
retirement - See more at: